Friday, March 20, 2020

Editing My Film

Editing was more challenging than the previous projects. I had to trim a lot of film and split them into several different scenes so it would be easier to put together as a finish product. It was easy to dump the film onto my personal computer. Dumping it onto my computer was a great decision since now I will be able to edit and make changes when needed instead of having to rely on the school. I decided to have no filters onto my film as I wanted it to look realistic. Every scene looked clearer so I there wasn't a big problem with lighting. 
I knew what order I was gonna put my titles and how they were gonna look so that was easy to figure out. There would be a clearer distance of time between every slide. I already had software onto my computer to make these changes. It was easy to go over all the film since I had already looked over everything. I had a decent amount of fun while I was editing.

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