Suits worn by characters suggests high status and power in the dream world, as they have control. Dom's layered clothing shows the many layers he has a person, including the deeper issues that he keeps within.
Fake blood used to enforce ideas around
realism when characters suffer bullet wounds.Dom's clothing becomes more casual rather than smart as his issues are presented, symbolising who he is becoming more vulnerable. High key lighting used on beach, implies idea they are in a dream. Lighting becomes less refined and
realism when characters suffer bullet wounds.Dom's clothing becomes more casual rather than smart as his issues are presented, symbolising who he is becoming more vulnerable. High key lighting used on beach, implies idea they are in a dream. Lighting becomes less refined and
perfect when characters are in the real
world. Higher lighting shows when Dom is
world. Higher lighting shows when Dom is
remising and having a flashback of happy
memories(wife and children). The props are the the totem and Dream machine that shows the significance between reality and their dream world. Setting implies idea of Asia, using semiology of dragons and architecture. France because of the pastries and the architectural style.Similar elements cross between dream world and fantasy world.
memories(wife and children). The props are the the totem and Dream machine that shows the significance between reality and their dream world. Setting implies idea of Asia, using semiology of dragons and architecture. France because of the pastries and the architectural style.Similar elements cross between dream world and fantasy world.
During the first layer of the dream, we see a high angle being used on Saito. The use of the high angle conveys his vulnerability and weakness as he has been shot in the chest. Later on a high angle shot later to convey the height in which the van is falling in the first dream layer. The use of this angle creates a dynamic appearance to the audience as they watch the van fall into the water.During the visit to Limbo with Cobbs and Ariadne, we get a view of how Limbo looks like, this is conveyed through the use of a wide shot, showing the creations which have been made by Cobb and Mal during their time at limbo. In the end of the film, an extreme close up on Cobb's to convey a sense of confusion as he opens his eyes from his dream. The view of Cobb's children is being used at a low angle creating a sense of distance between Cobb and his children in the scene. There was a tracking shot of Cobbs on the run.
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