Location:One of the many locations will be at Gaby's house. The locations for the video will be spontaneous.
Health safety: For safety, we will have everything prepared. If the location we need has to have permission to be able shoot each scene.
Props: There will be no props as we want our commercial to look unorganized but we will have a variety of events happening so there will be a lot of improvising.
Costumes: there will be no actual costumes. We will have create an teenage aura for our music video.
11/14/2019-Blog Due: Song choice, genre convention research of song
11/20/2019-Planning Blog: location list, schedule, storyboard
11/25/2019-Filming Blog #1
12/2/2019-Filming Blog #2
12/9/2019- Music video due at the end of class
12/11/2019-CCR due to class email
The schedule may change in the future or be delayed. We have already chose what song we wanted to do, but there may be a possibility of switching if there is a better song to be integrated into our music video. I want to film the commercial in a careful mannerism so nothing will be messed up and everything will already be prepared.
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