Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas Break

Although I have been filming mostly during my Chritsmas/Winter break, it has been fun and interesting. Especially because of the pandemic happening right now. My family is very spread out and there was a need for a family meeting of the kinds to speak face to face with security and know how everyone was doing. I still have a lot of friends, kindness, inclusion, appreciation and, finally, fabulous food because it's my last year in high school. For several individuals, holidays are a favorite.

By putting up the Christmas tree and stockings, we have planned for the holidays. We decorated the house and made it a really safe place. Because this year I couldn't be friends, we decided to video chat, particularly with those who live very far away.Public health officials warn America about the risks of transit and re-unification as a coronavirus pandemic rages. Thanksgiving Day, retailers around the world lock their doors, and family and friends finish what they share together. Everyone was safe and healthy, which was great. There have been a lot of disturbances during the year 2020. All I hope is that everyone is the best.

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