To start off this blog, I would like to say that this is my very first blog. This blog is to help me with my projects and to keep up with my understanding of media studies. As I am still a student and underage, there is more to learn about the production that happen behind the screen. As I have a vague understanding of this class, I think I will be very creative and quick on my feet in my videos. I wish for this blog to guide me on my journey through this class. This could help me in the future if I ever want to work in the entertainment industry.
My name is Kayla. I am a highschool student and I wish to major in computer science and/or computer engineer. I love being creative about how I live my life and finding a new ways to express myself. Learning how film figure out ways to create the best videos I can. Being creative with my work gives a sense of freedom of feeling better about how produce my work. Sometimes I like to be able to control how I continue produce my work a little bit too much. My sense of teamwork is put very well and I am able to understand the difference between working by myself and working with others.
There's many things to know about myself. Competition is something a strive for and doing my best is what I'm always willing to achieve. Hanging out with people I care about and helping them when they need it gives me great satisfaction. I'm a lover of the arts and will always draw and create when I can. There's many things that i know about myself but there are times where I dont know myself all that well. I hope that my Aice Mediastudies can show me how well I can deal with pressure and how far my sense of imagination stretches.
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